Does Your Computer Support Firm Offer Mobile Device Management in Oklahoma City?

Does Your Computer Support Firm Offer Mobile Device Management in Oklahoma City?

Cell left behind on a park benchThere are a lot of aspects to computer support in Oklahoma City, but did you know that this can also extend to mobile devices? Many businesses go on lockdown and have to change everything when, say, a manager loses his phone that's full of business-vital information, passwords and more. Overhauling security when all of that information is out in the wild is sorely necessary once it happens, but what if there were a simple solution?

Losing Tech Is A Big Deal (That Isn't Always Addressed Properly)

A large part of any computer support in Oklahoma City being provided should include a form of safe backups and business continuity. This is usually what people hire IT companies for -- to back up and maintain their computer systems, and help them replace any hardware that happens to fail or become obsolete. Unfortunately, many businesses don't think about their mobile devices, so a lot of IT service providers simply don't bother to offer any features for managing and monitoring mobile devices.

Mobile Device Management Can Solve This Problem

Fortunately, a solution exists in the form of mobile device management applications. These are especially common in cloud computing rollouts (i.e. Google Apps), but nowadays even non-cloud providers can offer mobile device management solutions. These solutions allow remote access to people's mobile devices, mobile access to make sure security isn't being breached and -- in case of it being lost or stolen -- for it to be remotely locked or wiped so nobody can get access to your company's data.

There's a lot more you can do with mobile device management, too!

...And Others

While the main bonus offered by mobile device management is remote locking and wiping, there's a lot more you can do with managed devices. With managed devices, you can offer exclusive access to company email, web and chat solutions. You can also use this to push certain files to employees, such as large videos and pdf files. Managed mobile devices, in addition to managed laptops and desktops, can allow a business to be more efficient and better-connected than would otherwise be possible without them.

This is one of the key benefits of the cloud as a platform. Now, however, businesses can take advantage of a lot of these features without needing to adopt a full cloud computing solution, offering the best of both worlds to anyone willing to take the plunge.

We're EMSCO Solutions, and we provide ourselves on superior computer support in Oklahoma City. We offer all kinds of specialized, IT-centric features for businesses operating in the area, up to and including mobile device management. With blog posts like these, we hope to inform you about any IT service concerns you should have in this business. Read our blog for more informative posts like these. If your IT service provider doesn't offer vital services like mobile device management, you should consider talking to us. Call us at 405-813-4455 for a free consultation. We hope to hear from you soon!