
SWOT Analysis of the Financial Value of Data Threats

Ransomware has rapidly emerged as one of the greatest cyber-threats facing organizations around the globe. This malicious software is used by cyber criminals to hold your computer files hostage until you pay the ransom for the key to unlock them. It is becoming an increasingly prevalent way to extort money from both companies and consumers.

Healthcare Data is a Matter of Life and Death

The times they are a’changing

In the 1900’s, the world average life expectancy was 31years. By 1950 the world average had shot up to 48 years. Nowadays, it is 71 years. It is no wonder, then, that healthcare industries need to leverage big data to reduce costs and boost performance.

Smart Backup Solutions

Do you know your wife’s telephone number?

Or your neighbor’s? Chances are, even the numbers you use regularly are stored on your mobile phone, and you never actually have to dial them. Not only that, but your phone is smart enough to keep your recently dialled, frequently dialled, and please don’t answer numbers neatly categorized too.