There Is Mass Confusion in Oklahoma City over the Cloud Computing Concept!

There Is Mass Confusion in Oklahoma City over the Cloud Computing Concept!

cloud computing confused businessmanIf you live in Oklahoma City you may need clarification on cloud computing. It's simply a region that needs to be educated more on the benefits and differences in cloud services. While there may be small cloud providers that put data at risk, most robust cloud providers that use top tier data centers have the facilities necessary to run a business smoothly and safely in the cloud.

What Cloud Computing Means to IT

IT professionals view the cloud in various ways, which is contributing to mass confusion in local communities such as Oklahoma City. IT support surveys currently show that local business professionals have a perception of the cloud as a backup and resource for disaster recovery. While this view remains true with the first sector that adopted and marketed the cloud, there exists a wide variety of IT services that are associated with cloud providers.

The best way to clarify this confusion is for business leaders that base their infrastructure on cloud servers to spread the word in their communities about the quality of services. New business managers need to study the cloud as much as possible to learn how it reduces costs while increasing productivity. More local businesses will likely adopt the cloud as a safe haven for running an interactive business remotely at all times. Since the cloud provider handles security updates, you can focus more on utilizing the various customized software you need to run your business.

Cloud Concepts

The cloud offers several modern ways to run a business on an electronic network, such as Software as a Service (SAAS) and Desktop as a Service (DAAS). The strength of the cloud is that it allows you to test out an abundant amount of software to find out what works best for your operation. You usually only need one license instead of multiple licenses to run an application that can be accessed by team members.

You will likely enjoy faster connections in the cloud, which can help your website performance. One of the most powerful benefits of working in the cloud is that it is scalable to provide simple solutions for company growth. In other words, the system offers easy upgrades on CPU, memory, disk space and software. Perhaps the most common reason businesses are moving to the cloud is that it is affordable, easy to deploy and preserves budgets.

Cloud Backup

Any server that exists as a data storage platform for a cloud network is called a Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS). Since your data will be on its own server, you will not affect other businesses and they will not affect you. Your data will be secure, stable and easy for users with passwords to access. Find out from the cloud provider how many places your data will be backed up in the event of a power outage.

Some businesses focus on the cloud as a platform for online backup services, since it can protect data from fires, storms, earthquakes and other disasters better than traditional local servers can. Storing data in the cloud protects it from hard drive crashes and editing errors. Storing data off-site is the most reliable way to avoid data loss when disaster strikes. Files can be encrypted to make it near impossible to breach.

Take Action

Moving to cloud computing offers plenty of security, efficiency and cost savings by reducing hardware and maintenance concerns. Visit EMSCO Solutions to learn more about what cloud computing can do for your business. You may find that you can run much of your business in the cloud and enjoy plenty of automation and new software possibilities.