Ransomware & Virus Removal Services
If you're not on top of it, hackers will be.

44% of security alers aren't investigated
49% experienced public scrutiny after a breach.
22% lost customers because of attacks.
29% lost revenue as a result of attacks.And Ransomware is Gaining Momentum!
350%--- That is the average yearly growth rate of ransomware.
--- Cisco 2017 Annual Cybersecurity Report
What is Ransomware
Ransomware is a type of malicious software that can:- Cause apps, like your web browser, to stop working.
- Lock up your operating system.
- Encrypt your data and files so you cannot access them
Online criminals can hide from you— but they can’t hide from EMSCO Solutions
What are you doing to stay secure in an expanding threat landscape? EMSCO Solutions provides prevention, detection and response solutions for any ransomware attacks. With EMSCO Solutions, organizations can detect malicious behavior across all vectors of attack, rapidly eliminate threats with fully-automated, integrated response capabilities, and adapt their defenses against the most advanced cyber attacks. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you stay safe from ransomware or remove it if you have already been infected.Call us today at 405-813-4455 or fill out the the form to have us contact you.
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