Worry Free Support And Not Having To Be Involved In Every Single Issue That We Might Have Is The Biggest Benefit We Have Received From Doing Business With EMSCO Solutions.

As the President and CEO of Patco Electrical Services, Ray Patterson does not have time to be involved with every technical issue that might occur with his company.  “Issues are usually addressed and fixed by the time I find out that we had an issue.  As for the hardware, I like that it is kept up to date and not having to worry personally about changes and upgrades every three or four years. We have worked with EMSCO for 13 years; anytime we have a problem we can talk to someone about it immediately, and a solution is usually as simple as a remote session.  Whether it is a server, desktop or personal device issues, these folks have always had the answers.

Ray Patterson
Patco Electrical Services, Inc.