SMBs on Facebook: 6 tips

Facebook’s most recent monthly active users numbered over 1.7 billion. Billion, with a ‘b.’ Since creating and managing a page for your business is free, there simply isn’t an excuse to put off doing so another day. Whether your page is being neglected because of low traffic or ROI on the time you invest in […]

Make plans with Office 365’s Bookings

The latest addition to the Office 365 family is Bookings. This online service helps schedule appointments with businesses using software. Good ‘ol pen and paper definitely still work, but given the world’s technological advances, digital appointment management makes sense. Besides never having to pick up the phone to schedule your events ever again, here are […]

Set your ransomed files free, for free

In computers, as in war, encryption is a way of encoding sensitive information so only authorized parties can make use of it. Unfortunately, computer hackers have developed ways to infiltrate your company’s network and systems, take your confidential data hostage, and unlawfully encrypt it. Pay them a ransom and you may or may not get […]

Does Your Oklahoma City Company Tolerate Technology Prejudice?

In this article, we'll be talking about two subjects: technology in Oklahoma City, and prejudice. What does one have to do with the other?

A lot, actually. Let us explain. While most references to prejudice are in response to concerns about social issues, in truth, prejudice is any opinion that isn't based on reason or actual experience.

Backing Up Your Manufacturing Data

Slow down

It is a sad fact that over the last few years, manufacturing has slowed throughout North America. Every market has factory managers under pressure to optimize processes and lower costs.

Speed up

One way to find areas of improvement is through the use of data analysis.

Has Hardware as a Service Become Extinct in Oklahoma City?

The (total) cloud (solution) looms over Oklahoma City, leading many to worry about the future of Hardware as a Service in Oklahoma City. With everyone migrating to the cloud, do old-fashioned methods of IT services stand a chance? Will they become extinct soon?
Hardware as a Service vs Total Cloud
In managed services, Hardware as a Service or () is when hardware is provided to clients for a monthly fee.